13 February 2012

kahwin kahwin kahwin. eh muda lagi la !


i'm gonna talk about kahwin. yes kahwin! tengok orang kahwin, rasa macam nak kahwin jugak tapi perasan. bapak masih menanggung, sebok nak cakap pasal kahwin. noooooo la. just nak share pengalaman tengok nikah liveeeeeeeeeee.

i was so happy to be invited to kina's sister's solemnization. the ceremony was supposed to be held after isyak. but i came after maghrib. anddd i was the first guest who came. alone. malu beb. ohh bukan malu but moreee to segan. okay, just put aside dengan segan segan tu semua. it was a relief what to arrive very early. sebab aku ni ade masalah penyegan. kalau ramai sangat orang, terus malu. macam mana tu.

ok, back to the subject. hello, i came alone so i was depending on kina jela. dari awal sampai akhir. and of course, i kept smiling whenever i saw people were looking at me. sebab dah taktau nak buat apa, sengih senyum jela point utama. i came around 8 something but the solemnization was around 9 nearly to 10 kot, if i'm not mistken. 

kitorang patut duduk along with the guests tapi kitorang duduk dekat deret2 tangga. lagi clear to watch the solemnization ceremony. haaa one more thing. i like her sister's baju nikah. so simple but nice tau. putih! 

then came to the peak of the story. ijab dan kabul. we knew the groom was so nervous so i think it's normal when he had 4 times of ijab dan kabul tu. tok kadi sempat lagi buat lawak. he tried to cheer up the groom, i think. yela, sampai kitorang pun nervous jugak nak tunggu perkataan 'sah' tu. but at last, of course la they became a husband and wife.

kina asked to wear black, so aku korek2 mana baju kurung bertemakan hitam.

ini semua anak dara.

the siblings and brother in law. kina said she has 2 sisters and a brother who haven't get married yet. maknanye, ada lagi 3 kenduri menanti kina. hahaha!

zara with us. zara comel gila okay dengan rambut tocang 1 dekat atas tu. she's growing.

hantaran from the bride's side

and theseee are from the groom's side.

nah, zara damia sebagai penghias akhir cerita.

pssst, excuse my grammatical errors.



Kina Kinot said...

Jara si hidung kembang! ngehngeh

Nurfarhana said...

ikut makciknye la tuu