11 May 2012

rindu pada si dia.


dan si dia itu adalah...

si pemilik beg duit berwarna oren tu. haa, beli purse pun nak sama tau. 

padahal haritu baru je jumpa dia masa bercuti pergi Kelantan. 

dan si dia ini ada post kan sesuatu dekat fb aku yang bila aku baca, aku terharu sikit la.

 she posted this on my wall. yaa, i smiled tho it is just a post. i appreciate it coz she supports me when she knows the result. she gave a text message in which i gained my confidence back. 

she is my sister. my biological sister and my idol. we used to argue all the time during our school time but everything's changed now. we are matured already and i don't take seriously every joke that she does. she's an outspoken person, actually but i love the way she treats her siblings. i text her that day, telling her how i feel and this is what she replied.
a sister always loves her sister. tsk tsk. and she once said to me that she was the one who felt nervous when she knew that i am going to further my studies soon. 

she is our proud and will always be tho i do feel kinda envy when my parents  selalu nak cakap about her achievements during her school times, definitely. [how she studied, how she survived, how this, how that, blablabla]

till we meet again, short !

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