21 January 2012

big girls don't cry. be strong !


as you have read this post, i did say that this job is quite challenging kan. i know la some of you would say or think alahh setakat nak jaga anak orang, apalah sangat, kerja aku lagi penat. ok fine. you have your own job that you think it is more challenging than mine. and so, kau penat dengan kerja kau, aku penat dengan kerja aku. square!

andd as you have seen my posts for this month, only got 4 posts including this one rite. since i'm working here, my health becomes worsen. i've been coughing for 6 months. and after working here, my coughing becomes worst. and i easily get headache. is it normal? a day after that post, i fell sick. 

i got high fever actually. then starting from that, i became weak, weaker and weakest, day by day. i went to clinic twice in a week. the same clinic and i think that pharmacists already know me. i got 2 days MC. first on monday and the second one on wednesday. i worked on tues, but still, to handle 9 kids on your own when you are sick, really need a miracle to happen. i was hoping somebody could help me but i knew that they were also busy with their job. that was why i had to take another MC on the next day.

and what was making it worst, this kid is like a disaster to everyone [i use 'is' because he is still annoying until today]. no, look. if you're on my place, i dare to say that you would feel the same like me and all the staffs here. everywhere you go, he would follow. if don't, he would cry over and over again. budak lain tidur pun terganggu tau! always says 'nak ibu nak ibu. ibu, jangan tinggalkan saya. nak ayah nak ayah'. tension tau!

kalau comel takpe jugak. 
he was the reason why i took 2 days MC. dah lah degil, suruh tidur taknak tidur. tahan melalak. aku yang makin sakit.

every time i got back from work when i was sick, i would just lay on the bed. put the blanket on me. andd only use level 1 for my fan inside my room. still, i felt cold. to walk to the kitchen to get some food also i couldn't do it. only mum yang bawak makanan masuk bilik and let me eat on my bed. lepastu, dada rasa sesak. berat sangat dada ni. sometimes, i felt hard to breathe.

until one day, i got really a serious headache. and i cried. like a kid lost her puppet. mum and dad were so worried. they never saw me crying like that. it was really painful. memang tak tahan sakit. they even asked me to quit.

then i came to work with a pallid face and koyok bertampal dekat kepala. and because of that, i really have to be strong. until the end of this month. i know, every work got their own risks. the risks of being tired, being scolded by your boss, being banned  due to your bad attitudes, perhaps. any risk! just name it. 

p/s: have you read the newspaper today? 2 infants died sebab tercekik susu. two? i can't imagine how the parents feel.

p/p/s: every time thinking about work, it is really a nightmare to me. 


20 January 2012

semua lesen kau punya?


amik test ni senang. passed!
a good daughter. tak bazirkan duit bapak.

bila sampai part driving, menggelupur semua sendi. drive sebelah bapak, relax je. drive sebelah cikgu, berpeluh tangan. kategori basah maaa. hehehe geli tau. nak buat macam mana. nak kata kene marah, tak pernah pun kene marah dengan diorang. 

but seriously, diorang sangatlah penyabar. masa amik L practical, dapat cikgu lelaki. cikgu gatal! miang! cikgu yang aku taknak tu lah cikgu yang aku dapat. dugaan! dah la buat masa tengah hujan, duduklah berdua dalam kereta. pegang apa ikut suka hati dia. amboi! miang punye orang tua. muka suci tapi perangai, hmppphh. hantu betul. tapi dia ajar, sabar je dengan aku yang tak paham bahasa. 

tapi tadi belajar 2 jam, pun dapat cikgu lelaki jugak tau. aku tengok muka macam orang pecah rumah. dalam hati dah seriau takut. 'janganlah aku kena lagi sekali'. dalam hati berdoa tau. masuk kereta, aku diam. takut! bila dia mula mengajar, alhamdulillah. dia tak gatal! dia baik. tak amik kesempatan macam cikgu yang lepas. aku lega! 

drive dekat highway pun, aku tak yakin tapi dia yakinkan aku. setiap kali traffic light, memang panik. haruslah kereta terberhenti. menimbulkan kemarahan pengguna jalan raya yang lain yang penat baru balik kerja. sebab aku balik masa waktu puncak orang balik kerja. jadi, bila kereta terberhenti, kereta dekat belakang aku haruslah tak boleh berjalan. siapa suruh kau beratur belakang aku? lepastu nak hon hon. kihkihkih kesian. tapi diri ini lagi malu. tapi best drive dari seri alam terus balik rumah sendiri dekat TPP ni. sila kira berapa banyak traffic light yang ada sepanjang perjalanan.

tapi bila aku fikir balik, aku rasa aku lebih rela cikgu perempuan dari lelaki. walaupun dia baik, ramah, tak miang, tapi eloknya cikgu perempuan. kalau kena bebel ke apa, kenalah tahan. bila lelaki ni, pasti akan ada jugak tersentuh satu sama lain. leceh tau. semua benda nak kene jaga. jadi aku ni susah sikit, aku tak boleh nak fokus sangat kalau takut. sebab tu la kepala otak melayang entah ke mana bila drive tadi.

eh dah habis bebel. bukan korang baca habis pun. eh masin tak mulut aku masa previous entry? aku kena masak esok woiiii. be prepared! chef farhana comes to the rescue. 


06 January 2012


as-salam. [i warn you, this is such a long post]

as what the title says, yes it's true. being a stepmother is totally not in my dreams. but sometimes i feel touched when they call me 'ummi'. yeahhh! at first, i was surprised. panggil jela akak. then only i know, anybody who works there has to be called 'ummi'. 

oh btw, i am a working teen [hai jo]. that's why i say imma single stepmother. meaning to say that i am working at a nursery. nak kindergarten tak dapat but it is fated. nursery! quite a tough yet a tension job. but, i can sense that some of the staffs are still wondering of my ability or should i say all of them? i'm not sure but i do have the sense. perhaps, i am still young so they think like that. 

the first few days working there, the parents asked me, 'baru ea?'. they are referring to me. am i a new worker? yes! 

first week, i'm still in my malu malu mode. but weeks after that, i just be myself. my true self. well you know, suara petir kilat semua keluar. ohhh, i just follow what kakak seniors do. diorang punya suara bukan petir lagi dah tapi macam halilintar. sampai aku pun terkejut. see! plus, the kids there already used to it. it's normal la. 

you think we only take care of 20+ kids? no! 3 times or more okay. balik rumah memang lepak. but if you think like  'apa yang penat sangat setakat bagi makan, mandi, jaga dan cebok berak tu semua?' amboiiii. tak merasa boleh la cakap macam tu. at first, i was thinking the same like that when i was first being interviewed. but hell haa, i was wrong. totally wrong! but i don't regret of getting this job though i applied to be a teacher assistant like jo. just a feeling of dismay je. but i can experience to be a mother before the real time comes and this is a new experience for me. later, bila dah jadi real mak orang, i'll used to it sebab dah ada basic. kehkehkeh.

i get to experience to cebok budak, pakaikan diaper, mandikan budak, buat susu and etc. and i think it's time for me to learn cooking because the workers here have to cook, including me. aiyoyo.

and also thanks to this job sebab i didn't love kids. but after getting used with this job, i start to like them. please take note, it's like not love. they are 2 different things okay. belum sampai tahap love lagi :)

see this. ini masa cuti sekolah dah belambak macam ni. sekarang ni dah naik sekolah lagi bertambah. ini semua kene hafal baju anak siapa. we have to! if not, tertukar then the parents will start complaining. macam kitorang jaga anak kau sorang je. [eh nada marah ke?] 

last month i was working downstairs with a partner. so, it was quite relax. but this month i have to work upstairs, alone with those naughty and stubborn kids. so it's quite challenging. most exactly 10 kids. one of them is so annoying okay. menangis all the time. and just follow me wherever i go even nak solat or buat susu pun. rimas! kadang kadang terasa nak sumbang pelempang je tapi tahan.

this is Iman. to me, she's cute. but after knowing her, ya Rabbi. degil nauzbillah. 
this is Ammar Zaim. Iman's lil brother. he's cute too. tapi dia punya degil kuasa 3 dengan kakaknya. tension!

menjaga 2 beradik ni ibarat menjaga 10 anak.

this is Hasya. macam anak cina. her mom is a teacher. btw, dia ni gembeng tau. asal mak hantar, mesti melalak. but after a few days here, she starts to demand. dia taknak ummi lain yang amik dia melainkan 'ummi ana' dia amik which is me! nak duduk berkepit jugak dengan aku. well, i'm a likeable person. hekhekhek. [stop bragging] 

this is Hawani. she's 1 year+. dia jalan kelakar. macam nak jatuh tapi biasalah, budak kecik. and she's friendly. i meant, dia tak takut orang pun. but this is the kid that i love. and another one but i don't have his picture. his name is Iman Nazran. about 11 months or something.

when i have given them their own botol susu, aku kena bentang toto suruh diorang tidur. so, while waiting for them to wake up nak bathe them, i just sleep or do something. 

searching for new words when reading book and write it inside my vocabulary book to find the meaning at home. 

i bring SKITTLES, lotion, asam, purse, notebook, vocabulary book, medicine, panadol and a bottle of water. all inside my small handbag. 

now, i should say that i need my school time back. sekarang ni, bangun lagi awal dari masa sekolah. pergi kerja lagi awal dari pergi sekolah. dulu balik pukul 3 sekarang kena balik lagi lambat. tak payahlah cakap pukul berapa. 

but despite all these, i learn how to be grateful and how hard to find money for your own self. i have to admit, job like this really need patience. for an impatient person like me, i have to learn how to be more patient than before.

after this, during daytime, i'll be a stepmother. during night time, i'll be a tutor. sukasukasuka tapi penat. takpe, a friend said that experience is much more important than money.


05 January 2012

biology !

okay this post is actually to boast that i was a biology student. [lempang sikit] now, i really miss my biology class with cikgu anuar but still, english class is still number one.

okay,  i just used my sister's revision books including this book. reuse is better!

we nicknamed him 'nonchalant'. mana taknya, whenever our classmates made some jokes, he would be unresponsive. padahal kitorang dekat belakang dah tergelak. please imagine how his nonchalant face looked like. mula mula bosan tapi lama lama best pulak dengan cikgu. sporting!